¡El “hombre árbol” está causando furor y subiendo la temperatura en redes!

¡El “hombre árbol” está causando furor y subiendo la temperatura en redes!



¡El “hombre árbol” está causando furor y subiendo la temperatura en redes!

El llamado “hombre árbol” se ha convertido en el cuerpo del deseo en redes sociales.

Danny Jones, un joven originario de California es la nueva sensación de Instagram y es que el hombre es poseedor de un cuerpo extremadamente sexy, además de sorprender con sus más de dos metros de altura.

¡El “hombre árbol” está causando furor y subiendo la temperatura en redes!


Todo comenzó cuando una joven posteó dos de sus fotografías en Twitter, asegurando que Jones no era un hombre, sino un árbol, por lo que rápidamente fue viralizado en las diferentes redes sociales.

[comments] “Las últimas 24 horas ha sido absolutamente locas. Me fui a la cama anteanoche al igual que cualquier otro, pero desperté con 8 mil nuevos seguidores Instagram. Pensé que era un error en el sistema… ha sido muy divertido e hilarante ver todos los memes, artículos y comentarios. Me divierte y me hace feliz que otros conozcan sobre mi proceso”, confesó el musculoso joven. [/comments]

Cabe mencionar que aunque hoy en día Danny Jones es uno de los cuerpos más esculturales y sexys de Instagram, hace años el joven sufrió sobre peso y fueron dos años los que tuvo que invertir para poder perder grasa y tonificar sus enormes músculos.

¡Checa aquí todas las fotos de este sensual y gigantesco hombre!


For those of you that have been following me a while, you know that I like to share my progress photos from time to time. It’s a good reminder to me of how far I’ve come and it motivates me (and hopefully you) to keep pushing and remember why I started this. - Do you know how long it took me to finally start seeing some noticeable differences in myself? A looooong time, longer than it should have. Lemme tell you why. - When I first started this journey (hate calling it that cuz it’s so cliche sounding, but that’s exactly what it is) I was hungry. And I’m not speaking in terms of hunger for food. I was unhappy with how I looked and how I felt. I wanted to walk shirtless on the beach with confidence. I wanted to be able to go to a pool party and make everyone do a double take. I wanted to feel good with how I looked. Don’t get me wrong, I was never the type to let the disappointment in my physique prevent me from having fun and still going to the beach and pool parties. I just didn’t feel great about myself when I did those things. I wanted more and I was going to do everything in my power to make a change. - But oh how quick we are to give up, make excuses and find reasons to quit. I would bust my ass in the gym and diet like a maniac for a week or two and I’d look in the mirror and see the exact same dude from a couple weeks ago looking back at me. Seemed like there was little to no change. So, I’d say “screw this, why am I killing myself with diet and training if it’s making so little of a difference”. And I’d quit until the next time I had a little more motivation to start all over. - Left: 280lbs. Working out hard 5-6 days a week at around 2-3 hours per workout. Little/no knowledge of nutrition. Right: 250lbs. (Not current) Working out hard 5-6 days a week at around 1-1.5 hours per workout. Daily calculated diet to help me reach my goals. It was at this time I FINALLY realized my body was undergoing some serious change. Granted, I made significant changes prior to this photo, but due to my overly self-critical nature, it took me forever to actually notice the positive change. My guess is 4 years between the two photos. - I’ve come a (continued in comments)

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Hope everyone’s having a great Memorial Day Weekend!

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