Circula fuerte foto íntima del Niño Diva con mensaje oculto

Circula fuerte foto íntima del Niño Diva con mensaje oculto

Brendan Jordan reapareció al desnudo y generó controversia.

Circula fuerte foto íntima del Niño Diva con mensaje oculto


Shutterstock e Instagram

Circula fuerte foto íntima del Niño Diva con mensaje oculto
Shutterstock e Instagram

Brendan Jordan reapareció al desnudo y generó controversia.

Lo conocimos hace varios años después de que en una transmisión en vivo Brendan Jordan, mejor conocido como el Niño Diva, acaparara la atención por sus atrevidos pasos de baile. De ahí en adelante su fama despuntó hasta volverse un influencer.
Brendan Jordan reapareció al desnudo y generó controversia
Circula fuerte foto íntima del Niño Diva con mensaje oculto

Aunque siempre se había alejado de los escándalos, ahora Brendan reapareció en reds sociales y fue una foto íntima la que lo volvió el centro de atención otra vez.
Resulta que el Niño Diva apareció en su perfil de Instagram enseñando su cuerpo y cubriendo su intimidad con un calzón negro, imagen que miles de cibernautas no pudieron evitar comentar.
Sin embargo, no se trataba de algo provocativo, sino de un mensaje de aceptación por parte de Brendan hacia sus fanáticos, quienes lo apoyaron al revelar los problemas de inseguridad con su imagen que había enfrentado.

Warning: long post about body positivity ahead. So I woke up this morning and the very first thing that came to my mind was ‘no more hiding’. Soooo here I go...I often come off as a very confident person both off and online, but a very big secret I’ve kept involves my body insecurities. These feelings of self hatred all started at the very young age of 8 where I vividly remember sitting in my 2nd grade classroom comparing my body to my peers and telling myself “I am fat” for the very first time. I have no idea where this belief came from but it followed me since then and has kept me from living life to the fullest. The exposure of my own body and what people thought of it is what petrified me the most. I once went through a 3-4 year period of not swimming in front of anyone all because I was worried of what they would think. In high school I ate significantly less which made me lose weight very fast (I would NEVER recommend this as it was a very harmful way of living). Everyone thought I was taking care of myself/working out, but in reality I was so depressed because I was never comfortable with how I looked—I wanted that to change. One day I realized that it wasn’t AT ALL about being “fat” or “skinny”, but it was just about being confident in the body that I have and owning that. In FACT: EVERY single body shape/type is BEAUTIFUL. I started to say the words “I am beautiful” and “I love you” every time I looked into a mirror. Slowly I started feeling better and I soon began believing those simple phrases I would often tell myself. I cannot say I’m 100% happy with the way I feel about myself today, but I can say that the progress I’ve made is what I’m so proud of. In fact, I would’ve never thought that I would be posting a picture like this for the internet to see. But HERE I AM not caring what people think, moving out of my comfort zone, and into vulnerability—all in the name of progress. I know happiness is arriving, and I’m so honored to share this sensitive part of my story with you. If there’s something I could’ve told little me it would’ve been to not let subtle lies become mistaken truths that plunge me into a state of self despair. You are beautiful!

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